Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Screaming Nonsense and other Verbal attacks.

I really don't know what to write about right now. Just some ideas floating in my head. I could start the Ivalice adventure, or talk about the Alchemist character I'm thinking up for Tim Butcher's Dresden files, or I could write something completely original.

But I definitely should write something more than jibberjabber, foo. I've been day dreaming a lot at the gym about one of my stories, I call 'Lands of Chaos'. I could go into great detail explaining the world, the characters, what makes this world unique, blah blah blah. But I'm working on it as a comic book. Expect to hear more about it as the artwork progresses. Right now the artist, Tom, is drawing up two of the main characters. Goza Minos and Krazahn Lycan.

I was also feeling like I should start writing one of my other stories, either continuing the work on Wild Frontier, or working on the Dark Knight and the Nephilim.

Well, anyways, I should start something today and stop procrastinating.

The Dark Knight and the Nephilim - Prologue (part one)

The night was quiet. Few clouds were in the sky. The moon was shimmering and a light breeze gently made the leaves in the trees shake. A long figure walked in the moonlight. His skin was stripes of white and purple. He walked towards a small homestead in the middle of a large field. His eyes glowed a dark purple and he smiled wickedly.

"Yes...this is the place."

He walked up to the house. No candles burned inside.


His smile grew.

"It'll be your last night, humans."

He smashed his hand through the wall and ripped it out. The entire side broke apart and fell way.


That's all I got time for right now. I'll continue the prologue soon.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

One last thing before bed:

Earlier today, while at work, I read R.A. Salvatore's The Ancient. Part of a new series called Saga of the first king. It's set in the same world as Mortalis and the Demon Wars saga. I feel it's a bit refreshing to read something that isn't related to Drizzt. As great a hero that Drizzt is, I feel the books are starting to get old. It's probably because of the publisher having a say in the series.

Anyways, this book, The Ancient, was refreshing because the world it is set in feels very much like medieval earth. It feels more realistic than pure fictional writings. It follows a man named Bransen, who has to use a magical gem stone in order to move properly, otherwise he is almost a cripple. It also involves a lot of dark dealings within the Abellican church. Not very often do I want to jump in and strangle a book character, but Father De Guilbe really pissed me off.

Overall, it was an enjoyable read. Not as much action as the Drizzt series, and lot of talk about sex. Good humor, and the fights that did happen were great. I'd suggest everyone who likes fantasy to check it out.

Setting up my Blog

Alright. I think now is as good a time as any to set this up. I really need to get back into writing, both fiction and rants. Maybe even some book reviews and what nots. So, first let me go over what my blog will consist of in future endeavors.

This blog is about short original stories, of random ideas that pop into my head. It is also about writing portions of longer stories over time, so that everyone can enjoy reading them. It is also about ranting about whatever the hell I feel like I need to rant about.

So, with no further ado, I bring this about! My blog has begun. I don't have time yet to write a story, maybe later tonight, definitely tomorrow.

Oh yeah, and one final note, I may also write some fan-fiction. Two series in particular have really been bogging my mind. The Dresden Files by Tim Butcher, and the world of Ivalice (from Final Fantasy XII, and Final Fantasy Tactics, Advance, Advance 2). But these fan-fictions will barely, or not at all, involve the main characters. Merely be side-stories written in these worlds.